Sunday, February 21, 2010

What kind of hair products can be used to help grow hair fast?

I got a haircut today, and right now its shoulder length and seriously horrible. I don't know how long it will grow in like 2-3 months!! If you can try telling me some hair products that can help grow my hair faster. Btw I'm asian so yeah just for anyone who asks whats my ethincity.What kind of hair products can be used to help grow hair fast?
lay off the heat for awhile (blow dryer's, etc.). if you absolutly have to flat iron your hair use a protective spray beforehand.

also try not to put any harsh products in it, like hairspray or gell. it's bad for your hair and makes it more likely to break.

trim your hair of any split ends ifyou have them. split ends cause your hair to break and keep breaking, which makes your hair shorter. but since our hair constantly grows there is no noticable change in length. it wont get any longer until you cut it.

comb your hair often. when you dont comb your hair ofter you will develope kinks in the hair whick also cause it to break.

dont wear tight pony tail holders or color your hair.

to be simple, just try to go as natural wih your hair as possible. also there is a pill you can take that does inprove the quality of your hair wich will make it grow more easily.

it's called Hair Skin %26amp; Nails. you can find it at walmart. it's full of vitamins and herbs.

good luck :]

p.s. im in beauty school so i know what im talking about.

by making your hair in better condition you will notice a change in length.What kind of hair products can be used to help grow hair fast?
This one was ref by an african american friend of mine- it grew hers pret fast- like in 2 weeks-a nd she had some baldish pathces too.

I used it for my own hairloss and it worked well.

Runs expensive, but works- and you dont have to usae it for months and months

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