Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why cant i grow hair on certain parts of my face?

its really annoying that i can only grow lambchops and some hair down part of my neck. the hair refuses to grow as a beard or a trying to grow a goatee but i think its stopped growing and its not even that much! is there a certain reason why my hair doesnt grow everywhere else?Why cant i grow hair on certain parts of my face?
Hair increases with age and testosterone production.

There's plenty of debate that will suggest shaving repeatedly will cause more hair to grow back. OR, irritating the area will cause an increase in hair production. These things are false. They will however help to toughen up the skin in that area. The simple fact is that some people have a genetic predisposition to weaker hair production.

Products like Rogaine actually DO work to grow hair, but it is over a prolonged period of time. (e.g. 1 to 2 years.) Additionally eating lots of meat, taking a multi-vitamin every day, and exercising will cause more hair to grow.

If you're intent on growing a beard or mustache, sideburns, or any other facial 'accessory'. Simply try growing them out. Sometimes men think they CAN'T grow a full beard or mustache, simply because they haven't tried. Spend a month not shaving, but groom areas that look dirty or out of place. It may surprise you how your own body knows what look is best for you.Why cant i grow hair on certain parts of my face?
Do you have any Native American heritage? Some Native Americans can't grow any facial hair at all. The patchy thing is very common.

I suppose you could see a dermatologist and see if there is a treatment that you could undergo to encourage those follicles to produce, but I would think that the smooth skin is a nice change for the ladies in your life.
blame it on genetics, I have a similar issue...I can grow hair all over my face EXCEPT in the spots that links the goatee to the mustache.
Yes, if hair grew on your eyelids or inside your nose you wouldn't be able to see or breathe and you would die.
maybe because your too young ??
it's the way it is son.
u can die

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