Some people have hair that grows naturally slower than other people's do. There is no way to 'speed up' hair growth, but there are ways to keep the hair you grow healthier, less likely to break and therefore it appears to grow faster.
If you heat style your hair (even just blow-drying) use a product that protects your hair from heat. Try to let hair dry naturally as much as possible.
Don't BRUSH wet hair. To detangle, use a wide tooth comb and work out the knots in the bottom before moving up.
Get your hair trimmed regularly. This keeps you hair from wasting nutrients on dead, split ends and keeps the hair shinier and stronger.
Sometimes length is very hard to achieve. If you have very fine hair, it naturally breaks easily and takes longer to grow to an even length. Be patient and ask your stylist the next time you go in for a cut for more tips and product recommendations.Are there any home remedies to grow hair faster?
Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to grow hair fasterHaircare/
Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/
Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness
Makeup/Hair styles
umm rub your scalp in circles..i read it in a magazine once. theres also stuff you can buy to make it grow..idk if it works, but you could give it a shot!
You can do several things to help hair growth. The best is to take some vitamin E or increase vitamin E in your diet. Also scalp massage, getting regular trims, and some people swear by using horse shampoo and conditioner (gives you silky and shiny hair).
Trim the split ends off. I know it sounds crazy, but cutting your hair makes it grow faster.
take some of my hair
freakin grows so fast in within a week its like almost long
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