Monday, February 22, 2010

What is the best way to grow hair faster?

I just want to know what the best way is for growing hair faster. I really want my hair to grow long so go ahead and answer :D Thanks.What is the best way to grow hair faster?
Eat healthy food and lots of protein which is what hair is made up of.Eat fish and eggs,take vitamin B, and zinc.Omega 3 and biotin can help too.

Cutting the ends of your hair does not do a thing. The hair grows from the roots or follicle so cutting the ends does not help.What is the best way to grow hair faster?
Okay so you may not believe me but getting trims here and there help allot. Also if you dye your hair allot its damaging it so it will grow slower trying to repair itself. The same goes for straitening and ummmm using hair jells for your hair like every day. If you slow down on that stuff you will notice the difference.
use main and tail shampoo it really works or you could get hair extensions
Get a trim often, and eat healthy.

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