He had a freak accident and was scalped by a fan blade. His scalp started to die and turn black. They cut out the dead parts of his scalp, and we're wondering if his hair will grow back.Will my brothers head grow hair after spots died and were cut out ?
I am sorry that your brother had to go through this and im afraid what im about to tell you wont make you happy. There is a small chance that hair will grow threw the replaced and regrown skin but it will not go over the scar more than likely. Where the stitches hit i doubt hair will grow. I have quite a big scar on my arm where hair should grow and it just kinda bypassed the scar when new hair grew back from when they shaved it during surgery.
This is not completly bad though! That scar will look really cool once it heals and i suggest that your brother wears it proud. Shaving his head will provide easy view of it and make it stand out. I think it will just look weird with a big part of hair missing. Also possibly look into a tattoo to cover it a bit or get a laugh out of your accident. Either way, hats will be your friend brother. If you need to talk about it or anything feel free to email me. Good Luck!
EDIT: Just wanted to add to what i wrote here. The tattoo idea seems weird i know but here are some tattoos that were used to cover up scars you can barley notice them. Enjoy!
EDIT2: I just saw your additional details and if what you are asking is if the hair follicles will still be able to grow even though the skin was killed? Again there is a small chance, hair is one of those things that is very delicate in how it grows, if you have ever seen people with berth marks on their head it colors the hair differently. Or possibly someone that has had a burn on their leg or somewhere hair grows it usually does not grow back because the skin has been altered. At best i think the hair will grow in some places and not grow where the cut was deep and the skin was really injured. If you need any explanation on what i said feel free to email.Will my brothers head grow hair after spots died and were cut out ?
yes the chances are i will take more time. try indain castor oild . heat it and allow itt to cool and hen apply. mind you it is may be fussy but it in the long run it will give benefit. one or two drops every one hrour may help. do it on holidays. it is having sticky feeling therefore you cannot do it on outing. it will be irritating. ok bestof luck.
Ouch! I wish I knew, but I don't. I've been meaning to ask you though-on that site, is that you wearing the shades taking a bite of something?
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