Monday, February 22, 2010

What is the best natural way to grow hair fast?

Hey.. I was wondering if there's a faster natural way to grow your hair and make it healthy?What is the best natural way to grow hair fast?
You can turn your head upside down and rub your head for 30 seconds, it helps getting blood flowing. Try not to straighten or curl your hair because that kills your hair. They say to cut of your dead ends but I don't really see a point because that just makes it shorter, and then when it starts growing again you'll have more dead ends. There are some shampoos that make your hair strong and shiny.. that might help make your hair grow faster.

hope I helped! :) xoxox.What is the best natural way to grow hair fast?
Yes there is.

It's called being patient.

You cannot force your hair to grow. It will grow at whatever rate it grows at based on genetics, hormones and overall health.

Whether your hair grows slow or fast is based on those factors, and unless you are unhealthy and have hormonal imbalances, there isn't anything you can do to force your hair to grow.
Well for one try using Mane N' Tail Horse Shampoo. I use it all the time and it makes your hair grow faster. You can find it at walmart in the pet section. also you should drink plenty of water to condition your hair and when shampooing and conditioning you should use cold or

luke warm water on your hair so it won't damage it. Even hot water hurts your hair.

Btw if your looking for a cute hairstyle to try out these tutorials. they are awesome. ;D鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>


There isn't a way to grow hair faster. The best thing you can do to keep your hair healthy is use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, avoid heat styling, and avoid getting your hair cut.
A mixture made up of half strawberry (or blackberry) yoghurt and half wallpaper paste combed through the hair and left for three minutes every day for a week won't make it grow any faster, but it'll make a lot of mess...
be patient, dye your hair a nice colour that's different from your natural colour, it doesn't make it grow faster but it make the growth more noticeable. And trim your hair regularly; getting rid of split ends keeps hair healthier!
I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Well to make it grow faster you need to get rid of split ends.

Not sure about natural health other than don't over dry.
i don't think so but you could use hair extensions as long as the look like your regular hair!
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