5 Inches over the summer is a lot. If you follow the HAIRCARE REGIMENT I provided for you in your question about ';ear lenght hair'; with time you will successfully grow longer stronger more healthy hair. I forgot to mention in my answer to your other question always sit under the dryer for 15 minutes with your conditioner, it helps it penetrate.Is there any routine that can grow hair at least 5 inches over the summer?
1 wurd hairgro, go 2 a hairshop
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As the other girls said, take vitamins. Other than that, I really don't know any other ways of making it grow faster.
However, if you want to grow longer then don't cut the split ends. Unless you want the ends to be perfect and uniform, in which case you'd have to cut it anyway, don't cut it! Split ends don't mean it's unhealthy, it just means it's hair. Hair will eventually get split ends no matter what you do. And cutting split ends does not make your hair grow faster. Hair grows from the roots, not the ends! What's going on at the end has no effect on the roots, so you can have split ends or trim it and it won't affect it at all!
You can take care of it, and take vitamins, but there is nothing you can do to make your hair grow 5 inches in three months. Mine grows about an inch a month, which my hairdresser, who has 20 years experience, says is the fastest she's ever seen. All I do is eat protien every morning, and she says that probably helps. I'd suggest getting hair extensions until it grows out, if you really want it to be long.
short answer...nope.
every1s rate of growth is different, but average hair grows 1/2 an inch per month...so to get hair to grow what it would in a year to grow over the space of 3 or 4 months is pretty much impossible.
all vitimins and trims do is help hair be strong and healthy, it DOESNT speed up growth.
if u really want long hair, try looking into hair extensions - clip in or sewn/weaved bein the better options.
the sewn method is better method of permanent extensions as theres no chemicals used and it can help hair grow healthy (cos hair is braided n out not being exposed).
btw..for those who keep sayin ';dont cut split ends'; - longer u leave em, more u'll have to have cut off when they do get trimmed...then it jus defeats the object..so its better to have trims every 4-6 weeks - little n often
vitamens help your hair grow faster. also about every 7 to 9 weeks you should get the splitt ends cut off. it helps it grow faster. I have heard that if you wash it every night it may grow a bit faster. if you do some of these,i think your hair will grow atleast 5 inches,maybe 6! goodluck,have a great summer!
Vitamins help your hair grow a little faster. Also trimming it every now and then will get rid of the split ends, which helps it grow faster. If you have split ends your hair will not grow because it is not healthy.
-Deep conditioning treatments once a week
-Trimming ends once a month (just take off the split-ends)
-Don't use a lot of heated styling tools
-Comb while its wet (no brushing it anymore)
Be very gentle with your hair so you don't cause breakage.
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