Monday, February 22, 2010

How long will it take to grow hair 3 inches? I'm african american & have individual braids in hair right now

Hair is to middle of neck. Tips to grow hair with individual braids in my hair.How long will it take to grow hair 3 inches? I'm african american %26amp; have individual braids in hair right now
On an average, hair grows at the rate of 6 inches annually. The secret formula for hair growth is to see that hair remains healthy. Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c鈥?/a> for more details.How long will it take to grow hair 3 inches? I'm african american %26amp; have individual braids in hair right now
Keeping your hair in braids will help it grow faster because you are not constantly combing your hair out and harming it. Microbraids can be harmful to your hair because they can cause breakage. Also, to protect hair never sleep with it down (just put it into twists or something) and wear a sleep cap. When your hair is curled up it will look shorter but you will notice the length when it is in braids or twists. Do NOT use relaxers/perm on your hair to straighten it---this is very damaging!!! Same for rubberbands!
hmm... do you have beady curls?(tiny curls) if you do, take out the braids and leave your hair out more often. or go to a salon and get a thermo straightening- it'll last for half a year to a year, but costs a lot- around $500-$1200, depending on your hair's length and curlyness. if you decided not to... it'll take about 2 years for your hair to grow even 1 inch. do the math... once your hair is thermo straightened, it'll take about 1 1/2 years to grow 3 inches. i have straight hair and it grows about half a centimeter a month.

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